creating stronger communities together

We have rethought our whole purpose as a community charity during this year. The exercise has been an extremely valuable one, prompting trustees, leaders and staff to reflect upon their own role in achieving the outcomes that we aspire for our beneficiaries
We have moved from vision and mission statements to a simple statement on our purpose that has united staff, volunteers and stakeholders behind a pwerful understanding of what we are here to do, for whom and how we will go about doing it
Our Ambitions
Young Peoples Services (Including Supported Housing)
• To work with investment partners in order to increase the supply of homes for vulnerable young adults in Manchester
• We wish to continue with our service improvement plans, focussing upon continued staff development.
• Wish to become a recognised centre of excellence with regard to working with asylum seeking young people.
• To prepare for a future OFSTED framework that will be a mandatory inspection arrangement for the service
Child and Family Services
• To become a recognised Family Hub, within the Manchester and national network of family hub centres
• To explore options for growth of our impact upon children and families in other community settings
• To achieve at least silver standards in all council quality awards
• To prepare for future Ofsted inspections
Community, Health and Wellbeing
• To develop a long term strategy for ensuring an appropriate mix of targeted and open access services that can be shown for the impact they have on individuals and the community as a whole
• To develop our premises to include a café style environment
• To develop new partnerships that will ensure that our community hub continues to be useful for the community
• To respond to developing needs, particularly around fuel and general poverty of families and adults
• To build a service offer that is attractive to health commissioners with regard to community health education and messaging
Charity Leadership and Management
• To continue our work in developing leaders in our charity. Our new leadership group will be very helpful with this
• To create a new SharePoint platform to drive future developments around internal coms and data management
• To develop initial then longer term plans for the most impactful and economically resilient ways of using all of the spaces in The New Roundhouse
• We need to build the capacity and strength of our board of trustees and management team, and the quality of systems that serve them, so as have a sound succession plan.
• To continue to progress our new marketing strategy
• To devise a “consultancy” offer to other organisations in areas such as marketing, finance, childcare